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Together It Just Means More shirt meaning:
Five years later, the Together It Just Means More shirt Besides,I will do this film She Said, based on our 2019 book, depicts so much of what we witnessed and experienced, including the takeout, that late-night cab ride, and a few personal truths we’ve never shared before. In fact certain details are shown precisely as they were, down to the font on an incriminating document one of the victims read to us. The actors Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan convey emotions and moments we never thought could be captured, and Jennifer Ehle, Samantha Morton, and other actors embody our sources’ tenacity, deep reflection, and risk. It’s not a documentary. There are differences, compressed chronologies, a couple of completely invented scenes. And some of the moments that feel like playback have nuance now. That’s because so much has shifted since 2017: The #MeToo movement has exploded, endured, and suffered backlash. Like many workplaces, the New York Times newsroom has been upended by the pandemic. Harvey Weinstein is a convicted rapist serving a decades-long sentence.